“Cards Tennis” – the game inspired by “Cards Football” a well-known cards game in the circles of Russian kids. Also, popular in ex-USSR cards game “War” can be considered as forefather or great-grandfather of “Cards Tennis”. As well as “Cards football” and “War”, “Cards tennis” based on random distribution of cards between the players and consistent game actions which results depends on luck and some sixth sense of the players. The winner is determined by a tennis scoring systemGame rules (Random Mode):Two players in the game: Player and Bot. Players can’t see card suit. Deck of cards is divided between them. One of them so-called server put the first card on the table. Next moves depends on the pre-selected rules:Clay:If server card more than opponent card, then he won a point. Otherwise, he put new card on table. If this card more than opponent card, then game continue and so on. Only two more than Ace.
Hard:If server card less than opponent card, then he won a point. Otherwise, he put new card on table. If this card less than opponent card, then game continue and so on. Only Ace less than two.
Grass:A rule changes every two moves. First move is move after serve. Receiver should put card more than opponent, on next move opponent should put card more than receiver, but on next move receiver should put card less than opponent, and so on.
Game rules (Classic Mode):Each player has three cards on left hand and three cards on right hand. Server choose side of the serve and opponent should response only by cards on choosing hand. Rules on each cover same as Random mode rules.